Monday, August 3, 2009

((((( Monday mLb )))))

estes1717 Sunday's results 2-1 +$850 ( YTD- 229-180-2 +$35,110)
Another winning day yesterday that makes three in a row, today small card with one big play on the Giants, BOL (Go on comments)section below....i will have leans inside or email me

(((Monday mLb)))

Detroit Over8 -115- - - - - - - - $1150 to win $1000 Giants -130 - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2600 to win $2000 *POD* Milwaukee (rl +1.5) +100 - - - - - - - $1000 to win $1000 ((((( Sunday Results )))))

Sunday 8-2-09 results 2-1 +$850

Ny Yankees -135 - - - - - - $2700 to win $2000 *POD* Pirates -125 - - - - - - - - - - $1250 to win $1000 Milwaukee +110 - - - - - - $1000 to win $1100 THE "FAKE ESTES PLAYS ON COVERS" For SUNDAY: (He crapped his pants again & the fraud is losing alot of supporters who now have finally saw the fake for what he really is.....)"BIG LOSER"

NYY @ W.Sox U 8.5 $1100 to win $1000

San Diego -119 $1190 to win $1000

Marlins-42 $710 to win $500

Marlins U8 $1100 to win $1000

Atlanta U 8 -20 $1200 to win $1000

Seattle +60 $1000 to win $1600

FRAUD RESULTS= -$2,990 (Dont let this fake ruin the rest of your summer-The SCAM is to get all my followers to keep following that fake and gain more money for the books who advertise on that site "BLANKETS" think with your head & do not let a few "BLANKETS" Ass kissers sway your decisions & lead you to a negative account)


  1. Evan (Jp Morgan Stocks)August 3, 2009 at 5:29 PM

    Dont worry i was duped into thinking this site was bull and i tracked the blog for two weeks and all i see are consistent winners from you and the other two cappers are pretty good as well----im done with that fake on covers ...FUC THAT PRICK

  2. yes good luck estes i am french and i have lost with estes in covers and with you i win few €€€€ ^^ and if i win very very much money with 1 god bet by day "pod" i send few money at you if you ok.
    excuse me for me english ^^

    thk you for all and let's go for big adventure

  3. Lets get it again Este$ $$$$$

  4. Baltimore already up 5-0 and the first inning is not even over yet.
    Estes you are the MOFO

  5. I'm with you on the Cain Train. BOL Estes!


    He posted Baltimore-ml & cubs-ml an hour after games started...look right here i copied his excuse...Now im totally done with those scammers at covers...This shit is some real bullshit and more covers members need to call him out on it.How convienent is it that Baltimore was up 5-1 when he posted & Cubs up 3-0 ???? FUCKING BULLSHIT SCAM ARTIST! COVERS ESTES IS A PIECE OF SHIT!

    estes1717 says:
    8/03/2009 7:59 PM
    Travel day and just getting in..Sorry i missed posting plays.. Anyways here are my plays.I can't count em since I could'nt post them in time.

    Cubs -75

    Baltimore +280

    Oakland- 30

    San Diego +10

  7. Haha... the +280 Orioles looked good after the 1st half of the 1st inning! Yeah, I called that fraud out, and now Covers.Com blocked my posting privileges. That tool is good for something... just go the complete opposite of what he says. LOL!

    Great start so far Estes.

  8. SF just blew the lead 3-2 now

  9. Milwaukee better not blow this and lose by 2 runs.

  10. wow that was scary , Manny up with bases loaded Damn we just hung on and go 2-1 for the day
    Thanks Estes
